Armenian tale of a Leviathan that causes earthquakes recalls the quake-causing catfish myth of Kashima Shrine.Ancient matagi bear-hunting tradition of Japan dying out.An important treatise on “Archer Yi”, the “ten suns”, “three-legged sun-birds” and Mulberry Tree (World Tree) mythical stories.An exploration of fish-phallic symbolism across cultures.Amida’s descent and celestial beings and the use of clouds as an artistic convention.Amaterasu rites: Arousing or calling back the Spirit of the Regenerating Solar-Earth Mother, Rice Mother, or Rice Daughter?.Amanohashidate - a vision of a concrete Heaven’s Floating Bridge on earth.Ama women divers – the probable origin of mermaid tales.Ainu legend: The otter is why mankind is imperfect today.Ainu Legend: The ceremony of Mistress Swan.Why the Ainu offer sake to the Divine Fish, the Chief of the Salmon.Ainu legend: Salmon - the divine fish that came down from Paradise.Ainu legend: How it came to be that certain Ainu were descended from a brown bear, the deity who possesses the mountains.Ainu legend: Flying Squirrel – the ‘divine prolific one’ will help the woman bear many fine children.Ainu legend of the trout that founded the world.

Ainu folktale of twin sons born from eggs and descended from a divine deity.Ainu creation story, as recorded by William Elliot Griffis.Ainu creation myth of deity’s descent on five-colored clouds.A unique act called shishitogiri (Shiromi Kagura / boar hunting skit) depicting life in the mountains, is hosted by Shiromi Shrine.A study of rain deities and rain wizards of Japan.A JT article on the the pillaging of Ainu cultural artifacts and human remains.Notes: Evidence for Arctic Siberian migrations (bear worshipping people) to Greenland.(Ainu) Song of a Bear / Kimun Kamui Isoitak.Japanese cattails (gama no nakama) and the legend of Okuninushi and the white hare of Inaba Beach.